It’s not just about hunger and fullness

A common struggle I hear from people entering the intuitive eating sphere is that they can’t honor their hunger and fullness cues because they don’t know when they’re hungry or full. Yup, I usually nod, because a history of dieting or engaging in disordered eating behaviors can do that to you.

As a certified intuitive eating counselor who is also a psychotherapist, I’m most interested in exploring why you learned to blow past your hunger and fullness cues because disordered relationships with food don’t happen in a vacuum. I want to help you break down the surrounding noise that separated you from your body’s innate wisdom in the first place.

Body dissatisfaction is usually only the tip of the iceberg. Maybe body-hatred was modeled for you; maybe you were told that you’d always have to “manage” your weight. But did this also mean you heard that love and affection is dependent upon weight management? Or was avoiding your body’s hunger cues a way that you could exert control when everywhere else you felt powerless? Did your body stop being a safe place and so you dissociated from it?

When we dig at these whys, we often find patterns of behavior and core beliefs that continue to this day, even though they are no longer adaptive, never mind true. Our work is to challenge these distortions, to replace them with new, more accurate and positive thoughts, and to disrupt these maladaptive patterns. This way, you can make decisions from a place of empowerment and in collaboration with your body rather than from a place of hurt.

The whys are the reason intuitive eating is not just a hunger and fullness diet. The work is not just about identifying your personal hunger symptoms (though we do that too); the work is healing from the inside out. 

Are you ready to get started? Schedule a free consult call with me to see if I’m a good match to help you not only recognize your hunger and fullness, but heal the wounds that separated you from these cues in the first place.


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Differentiating from diet-culture